TB6600 4.5A photos without heatsink
A quick post about TB6600 stepper motor driver module. It should be 4.5A version. It has model marking on the back that says “BL-TB6600-v1.2”. This version has no plastic covering and has green PCB. Since originally everything is covered with large heatsink there is nothing much to see before removing it. Here I share some “closer look” photos I made. Maybe it is helpful for someone who is considering buying this driver since online store photos don’t reveal much.
I have made a video using this drive with Arduino and a 2.8A motor. Current limiting via potentiometer seems to work as intended. I have not determined yet, that is 4th dip switch for 30/100 (manual) current limiting. 4th dip switch seems to affect holding current (video proof here) and has no effect when the motor is turning. You can check out datasheet here where 100/30 limiting is marked as TQ (pin nr 3).
Photos of TB6600 drive
Originally main driver chip is bent against PCB (labels not readable), but for these pictured, I bent it upwards. It shows that there is a TB6600HG chip in use.
This is the top view of the TB6600 driver module. There is view of the potentiometer where power can be limited. Also microsstepping mode selection switch.
A closer look at power limiting and microstepping settings. There is also a 4th dip switch. It seems to switch between 30%/100% holding current.
Backside has microstepping modes info and model name.
i will like to know if i can use the tb6600 4.5 a with 2 dc motors just like the h bridge l298.
and how?
thanks so much for your help
As whole module pictured here- probably not? Since it has no separate motor controlling pins. It has direction and step controlling pins. When looking at datasheet of TB6600 chip- it also has no separate controlling for both bridges. So my answer would be: no you can’t.
Hi! I have on my board CP+ CP- DIR+ DIR- , how i connect with this diver? Tx!
Not sure what are these. Can you provide picture? I suppose it’s not this kind of driver right?
Hello! then the driver is this, those specifications are the output of the serial. how do I connect them?
5v+ –> cp+ (step+)
Clk- –> cp- ( step -)
Cw- –> dir-
En- –> dir+
I think don’t understand the question. Do you have some kind of controller board which outputs are CP+ CP- DIR+ DIR-? And you want to control TB6600 with that controller board?
since I don’t know what board you are talking about I can not help you with that. I am confused also about those pins (CP+ CP- DIR+ DIR).
Thanks for your patience. i have a yoocnc 3040T, 3 axes. I saw that there are outputs for the 4 axis (cp+ cp- dir + Dir-). I Bought a tb6600 driver and wanted to be connected to these. Can you help me?
This is my 3 axis board,
Ok,solved! 5v to the board,cp- dir- to clk- cw- ! En- not connected..I do not know what it is. I noticed that on my NEMA17 loses a few steps … Working in half-step, 24v supply, potentiometer close to the minimum. how can I improve?
Great info! Thanks. I have one of these on order to evaluate. Your web page is highly informative about this device. I ordered another drive along with this one, and I have gotten it already. It does not appear to me to be an actual TB6600. I will have to see how this board stacks up against that one.
The fourth pin of TB6600 for serving or configured ?. Thank you
What you mean by that. Everything I know is written in article and there is video to demonstrate it’s action.
Thanks. I am here because I was looking for confirmation that the 4th switch controlled TQ. I knew that was the function of the 4th switch on the MKS TB6600 boards, but they aren’t exactly the same PCB.
i’m working to control the stepper motor angle of rotation. which i want it to rotate at 45 degree. can you help me in doing this as i use arduino, tb6600 motor driver and a stepper motor? thank you.
Hi Mr.
Do you have a código line using the library STEPPER.H with drive TB6600?
I only have this test code. Have not tried anything else.
Smoke is coming out of my bl tb6600 v1.2 when i increase voltage above 6V.. What should i do?
Probably broken then if alreadysmoking? What motor you are trying to run? Anyway- seems odd and can’t help you with that.