WD200EB hard drive taken apart- what electronics can be found inside?
I have an idea to make Arduino based laser scanner show and I need some old hard drives to make axes for it. I had an old WD200EB hard drive laying around. Here I share what electronics can be found inside and how does it look inside. Other than that it’s casual hard drive and electronics inside does not include any surprises.
Basic info on WD200EB hard drive
Official site no more exists for this product (was: http://www.wdc.com/en/products/legacy/Legacy.asp?Model=WD200EB ). Some of the codes and model numbers I have on this HDD are following:
- The manufacturer is Western Digital
- Model is WD200 ( WD200EB-00CPFO )
- Size: 20gb
- Connector type: IDE
- DCM (I don’t’ know what is it): DSBAHV2A
- Marking on main PCB: KCEWV-094V-0F1
- Motor marking: 2C3104NH and 1028-TENOC
Parts found?
There seems to be nothing much usable on the mainboard. Voltage regulator ( TLE4417 ) is the good thing I found since I needed one.
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