Inside look of the HP deskjet D1560 printer with photos

I got HP deskjet d1560 printer. Of course I had to look what components are inside and how does it work. Surprisingly, it did not have much electronics inside. Probably common characteristics of this kind of printers. Screws seemed to be ~torx 10. I used t10 bit to unscrew components.

I did not know before that inc printers like this don’t have stepper motors inside. They have optical feedback band/tape instead which runs trough sensors and powered by DC motors. Basically it has 2 DC motors and 3 optical (IR speed) sensors.

It comes with stand alone DC power supply adapter with 2 output voltages. These are:

  • 32V @ 375mA
  • 16V @ 500mA

Currently I use that 32V part to drive 2 of my 10W power LEDs for my lightbox project. This adapter has thermal shutdown and also it has short circuit protection (If I remember right I have accidentally shorted it). My 2 LED’s make it to shut down within 15 minutes due to overheating. I removed its protective plastic case and now that problem went away since it has better ventilation now.

Photos of this deskjet d1560 printer

Here are some photos I took while disassembling.

HP deskjet D1560 printer overview with lid open

HP deskjet D1560 printer overview with lid open

Now with cover off

Now with cover off

Printinghead linear rail removed

Printinghead linear rail removed

HP deskjet D1560 printer printinghead closer look

HP deskjet D1560 printer printinghead closer look

Main board electronics

Main board electronics

HP deskjet D1560 printer main board electronics

HP deskjet D1560 printer main board electronics closer

Gears on other side

Gears on other side

Main DC motor

Main DC motor

Backside, power and USB connectors

Backside, power and USB connectors

HP deskjet D1560 printer adapter 32v and 16v

HP deskjet D1560 printer adapter 32v and 16v

Power supply inside

Power supply inside

Power supply inside, PCB backside

Power supply inside, PCB backside

Original box

Original box




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