What is inside of the color changing candles?
I have always been curious what’s inside of these color changing candles. These candles start emitting light when lit and colors usually change (nice mood light). Most famous ones are probably Air Wick ones. There are also others out there like Coleman for example.
I finally disassembled one to check it out.
These candles have color changing LEDs in the bottom. This little thing which brings a romantic atmosphere can also bring “second hand” joy to rip it apart and discover parts and make something useful. As everything with LEDs /electronics inside.
Findings and how color changing candles work?
The candle has a small electronic device in the base that is turned on by the infrared light (IR) given off by the candle when burning. You can point a TV remote to it and cause it to come on as well. At first, I thought it’s a casual photoresistor. I was wrong.
I was expecting RGB LED but it was actually separate LED elements with a different color for RGB. It was powered by 2 little 3V batteries (CR2032).
I have an idea to hook it up with bigger RGB LED to drive it with this little chip. Would be easy to use “logic chip”- instead of using Arduino or such.
Now the photos of the disassembly
Let’s see what components can we can find inside. The first step is to dig through candle wax.
After cleaning up we can see LED’s and little PCB
Here we can see batteries used to drive it.
Interesting reverse engineering.
Could you please tell me the dimensions of this LED base. The diameter and height
I don’t have it handy , but you can take that battery as reference (CR2032). It is pretty standard size.
Does anyone have any ideas of other uses for this light? My friend and I were thinking of making disco dinners. All ideas greatfully received!
Alright, here’s an idea..how do I get my out door gas fire pit to glow different colors or have a fading soft glow ? Coming from underneath the outer ring .there was lava rock in the pit , but I switched to the blue glass. I think it could look more inviting. Any thoughts?
Buy a bunch of these candles if you have a gas grill there’s going to be some kind of flame so it’ll have the LED infrared light reacting to it if you place them near enough to it around the bottom I don’t know if they would melt drop them in foil and poke the lights out at the top LOL
Thanks for this! At my parents place and they have a similar candle. I just wanted to tear it apart to see how it worked, but you saved me. Call everyone impressed when the TV remote turns it on for a few seconds.
Where do you purchase the electronic component?
I got this candle from local supermarket. Probably yours have it also.
Did you find the name of the electronic logic chip used here? Please help.
Unfortunately, I don’t know and I don’t have any in hand at the moment to see is there anything written. But I guess it should be pretty generic. Google for RGB drive or chip and combine it with an infrared trigger or something.
Thanks a lot. I was very curious about what is inside. Now you helped me. Best regards from Brazil.
You saved many candles from being destroyed and many humans from being ape. I was going to change the batteries and refill the candle with new wax and wick.
I know this is a very old post but I can not find information on my issue no matter what! I have a colour changing candle when lit and for months it has not worked when lit I then got bored and put it on the floor and now suddenly for the last 3 days it has been changing colours and this is without being lit. Any idea why the hell this is happening?!
Interesting problem. Probably something went wrong with it? Still changing colors if put into complete darkness?
This is insane I hope you’ve found an answer
Anyone know what the part is called so I can purchase them and DIY led candles?
Me too! I replaced the batteries in mine and made a candle with it but it obviously wasn’t sealed properly and died on me 🙁
For those of you having trouble replacing the batteries and refilling with wax, to no avail, you are forgetting that IR light doesn’t pass through opaque wax. If you look at a new candle, it has a”double wick”, which appears to be a fiber optic plastic straight down to the infrared sensor on the pcb. It’s purpose would be to guide the IR light from the flame down the pipe to the sensor.
Thank you for this information (y)
THAT explains the whole thing! Thank you for the information. I was always wondering why the LEDs would come on when my lighter was about 2″ above the wick. It either had to be heat or light but since it was almost instant it had to be the light. But it wouldn’t turn on when the flame (light) was touched on the outside of the glass or on the bottom. I was missing the part about the fiber optic thread. Cool.
Can anyone please tell me the name or reference of the logic chip used here. Without actual reference cannot buy the chip or make the candle. Thank you very much.
Interesting reverse engineering.
Could you please tell me the dimensions of this LED base. The diameter and height
Thank you.
Unfortunately, I don’t have it on my hand anymore. But you could roughly estimate measurements by using CR2032 (standard) battery as a reference. There are pictures with batteries included.
Interesting reverse engineering.
Could you please tell me the dimensions of this LED base. The diameter and height
So anyone got any ideas on how to make the infrared candles light up again once the candle has burnt out? Step by step?
point a tv-remote at it and hold a button
just taken one apart that lights a string of leds around the jar and the chip is a protected black blob unfortunately, the wires from the leds go across the bottom of the jar and into the pcb its correct about the glass fibre strand it seems to go down the middle of the wick into a brass coloured holder,pulling out the remaining wick and bit of glass fibre there is a infra- red led under it ,clever design
My candle stopped changing colors after the third use will it come back on?
Hi. I am not sure. It is either broken – or somehow infrared light is not accessing the sensor.
Hi. Does anyone know if we can purchase this piece already assembled to make candles with? Or do you need to purchase the battery and other pieces individually and assemble them ourselves? If they do see these pre-assembled, can you please share the name they would be under? Thank You, Sarah
Unfortunately I don’t know. Sorry for late answer.
You are awesome! So glad you saved me the work of breaking it down.. thank you for posting this!
Hi! I was just wondering, would you happen to know, or have a good idea, of what type of fiber optic plastic makes the “double wick” that goes straight down to the infrared sensor on the pcb?
Thank you so much for creating and sharing this post!
Sorry for late reply. But I don’t know what could be great to use. Probably something that does not burn harmfully. But what could it be- not sure.