Simple cutting boards rack / holder
We have too many cutting boards in our kitchen and there was always a hassle to keep them somewhere. Leaning against the wall when drying or stacking them on household appliances. We needed a way to organize them.
Quite long time ago I promised to build simple cutting boards rack/holder for our household/kitchen. As the old saying goes- if a man has promised something, there is no need to remind him every six months about it. I finally delivered. This is one very simple idea. Nothing too fancy, but already serving us good. There were some other ideas I kicked around also, but finally, I decided to go with the simple design.
Photos of the build process
First thing I did was a testing rack with bolts and scrap wood. I didn’t know what would be the optimal separation between the sticks. I concluded that separation of sticks should be around 4cm / 1.57 inches. The testing picture below has bigger gaps than the final product.

Wooden cutting boards rack/holder prepared for boring holes with paint masking tape
I suggested wooden dowels that can also be bought from our local hardware store, but she liked aluminum more. I filed edges to be more round so they would not damage boards. The first row doesn’t have to be very long since it only has to support from the bottom of the board.
Finished cutting boards rack
Finished build. Should coat it with varnish before real use. Because of possible water damage and staining- in the kitchen everything can happen you know.
Final words
Here is one other design I like I found here: http://lumberjocks.com/projects/7773. It is something similar I wanted to do at first. Nicely presented by elevated backside what makes cutting boards easier to reach.
One year later I can say it has been the very useful addition to our kitchen. Can’t even remember how we did manage and organize our cuttings boards before. You can see our rack in use year later in this kitchen related post also.