Parametric G-code generator – NEMA 17 motor mounting plate

This is online parametric G-code generator which produces G-code for cutting out NEMA 17 motor mounting plate. Not sure how to call this kind of flat mounting plate. Resulting G-code should run well on grbl machines (tested as the photos show).

Actually, it supports more than NEMA 17 motor size. You can select other popular sizes too. Like NEMA 23 and NEMA 34 and so on. NEMA 17 is probably most popular at moment due to 3D printers. So I chose it for example.

About this parametric G-Code generator

You can change various parameters of the mount in the form below and see results instantly online. It generates g-code and also previews generated a cutting path in 2D and 3D mode. This should be straightforward to use. Feel free to play with inputs and get the size you need. Read more info from my previous g-code generator if need more explanation.

I noticed that 2D and 3D plotter libraries here might not fully show the correct toolpath. For example too small circular hole cuts don’t show up here and error is displayed. Try generated toolpath on real CAM/CAD software.

Measurements in
Mounting plate width and lenght x
NEMA faceplate size
Hole dimeter & distance from side and
Project offset X, Y and Z (can be negative numbers) x x
Material height & cut per pass and
Tool diameter & safe height and
Jog boundaries (at safe Z) before actual cut

2D view (top)

2D rendering by ShopBotTools/Handibot-GCode2DViewer

3D view

3D rendering by ShopBotTools/G-Code-To-Geometry and



Photos of NEMA 17 motor mounting plate cut out of plywood

Here are some photos of milled out NEMA 17 mount. My cutting end mill is not the best. Some tearing is visible. But the overall result still awesome since I don’t have to manually measure, mark and drill holes when I need a mount for NEMA motor.

NEMA 17 motor mounting plate cut by CNC machine

NEMA 17 motor mounting plate cut by CNC machine


NEMA 17 motor mounting plate cut by G-code generated

NEMA 17 motor mounting plate cut by generated G-code

Warning and disclaimer

I am not taking any responsibility for the generated G-code. Use it at your own risk. I also can’t guarantee 100% that NEMA sizes are all correct. Let me know if something doesn’t fit/seems wrong. I tried my best to gather correct sizes for NEMA motors and implement them into calculations.

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